March 8, 2023
After setting up Jitsi Meet, you may be left with connectivity issues rearing their heads whenever a participant tries to join from behind a firewall, or if you are behind a firewall yourself.
You may want to set up a TURN server to overcome such problems. A TURN server is practically a server both instances can reach, and use to relay traffic between them. It receives traffic from the participant using 443/tcp, and relays it to videobridge. In this guide, we'll detail how to go about doing just that.
Making sure your firewall allows the necessary communication is a good first step to start with. Make sure the following ports are open;
Start by switching to root;
sudo su
Install Coturn;
apt-get -y update &&
apt-get -y install coturn
Edit /etc/default/coturn file to start Coturn Server automatically while the instance reboots.
nano /etc/default/coturn
Uncomment the following line by removing the # at the beginning to run Coturn as an automatic system service daemon
Check if Coturn is running;
systemctl status coturn
Particularly restrictive firewalls may allow traffic only through 443/tcp. Therefore, it’s very important to configure our TURN server with an SSL certificate.
Install certbot;
sudo apt-get -y update &&
sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common &&
sudo add-apt-repository -y universe &&
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:certbot/certbot &&
sudo apt-get -y update &&
sudo apt-get -y install certbot
Now create certificates;
Copy /usr/share/jitsi-meet-turnserver/ in your JMS to your Coturn instance as /root/
Then run the following commands;
DOMAIN=”” &&
EMAIL=”” &&
EMAIL=”” &&
TURN_HOOK=/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/ &&
mkdir /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/ &&
mkdir /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy &&
cp /root/ $TURN_HOOK &&
chmod u+x $TURN_HOOK &&
sed -i “s/$DOMAIN/g” $TURN_HOOK &&
/usr/bin/certbot certonly — noninteractive \
— standalone \
-d $DOMAIN \
— agree-tos — email $EMAIL \
— deploy-hook $TURN_HOOK
As ever, creating a backup of the original file before creating a new configuration is recommended
mv /etc/turnserver.conf /etc/turnserver.conf_backup &&
touch /etc/turnserver.conf &&
nano /etc/turnserver.conf
Content of /etc/turnserver.conf file will be as follows;
use-auth-secret allows us to use time limited credentials, in which the secret we’ve defined as static-auth-secret can be used by Prosody to generate TURN usernames and passwords.
Now create a directory to organize the logs.
mkdir /var/log/turnserver/
Restart your Coturn server;
systemctl restart coturn
You can find your logs inside the directory you’ve created if everything goes well.
In order to test your installation, you first need to create a user by running following commands;
secret=mysecret &&
time=$(date +%s) &&
expiry=8400 &&
username=$(( $time + $expiry )) &&
echo username:$username &&
echo password : $(echo -n $username | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 -hmac $secret | openssl base64)
You now should be able to see your freshly created credentials as the output in your terminal. We'll use the following as a placeholder of sorts;
password :ocmsH9uf+XM1dXJlOWVMWn4hBrA=
You can find the Trickle Ice tool in the link below, which we'll use to test our server;
Enter your STUN or TURN URI (stun:your.turn.server), TURN username (1609160897), TURN password (ocmsH9uf+XM1dXJlOWVMWn4hBrA=) values. Then click Add Server and then Gather candidates button. Wait a few seconds to Gather candidates to work.
If you have done everything correctly, you should see Done as the final result Priority column. If you see error messages below the Gather candidates button you can ignore them unless you see Done as a result in the Priority column.
While, now we have a working TURN server (if it all goes swimmingly), we need to make sure Jitsi recognizes it.
First, connect to your main Jitsi instance, and edit the prosody configuration.
nano /etc/prosody/conf.avail/your.jitsi.server.cfg.lua
Add the following parameters;
turncredentials_secret = "yourauthsecret";
turncredentials = {
{ type = "stun", host = "", port = "443" },
{ type = "turn", host = "", port = "443", transport = "udp" },
{ type = "turns", host = "", port = "5349", transport = "tcp" }
You can find yourauthsecret in the TURN server configuration file we've previously went over. While you're in there, also make sure turncredentials are included in modules_enabled
VirtualHost "your.jitsi.server"
modules_enabled = {
"turncredentials"; - enable turnserver
Don't forget to restart Prosody after the changes.
systemctl restart prosody
Head into /etc/jitsi/meet/your.jitsi.server-config.js and make sure both instances following line are set to true. There are indeed two instances, one governs p2p connections, while other deals with the bridge
useStunTurn: true,
Connect to your Videobridge instance, and add following line to /etc/jitsi/videobridge/ as;
With the config parameter above, we turn off the TCP Harvester of JVB and use the Turn Server for TCP connections. With this method, JVB will only be using UDP. If a participant fails to establish a UDP connection with the bridge, TURN server will establish a TCP connection with the participant and then will relay the media traffic over UDP to the bridge. So you need to update the configurations of all your bridges. <br> Restart the videobridge
systemctl restart jitsi-videobridge2
At this point, you are ready to make use of a TURN server. In order to test, start by creating a meeting, like you normally would. If you haven't any participants who can join behind a firewall, most household modems come with a simple firewall. You may try to block your own 10000/udp port, in order to stimulate a corporate one.
Find the connection symbol on your video, and hover your mouse over it. Clicking Show more should present you with a modal with detailed information about your connection (it may take a second to populate).
If you're not behind a firewall (meaning you can establish a connection with the videobridge yourself), you should see your own IP address in the Local address section.
If you are prevented from connecting to the bridge yourself, the TURN server takes over. It takes your traffic from 443/tcp, and relays it to the videobridge over 10000/udp. Which means, as far as the bridge is concerned, Local address is the IP of the TURN server.
Now you have your new TURN server instance running! And if you need support for Jitsi do not hesitate to contact us. We are giving professional grade Jitsi consultation service including installation, integration, development and maintenance support.